Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Emotional Roller Coaster that is Hep C

Tonight was shot night- week 10.  I hope this week is better than last week.  Last week was truly rough.   Steve was feeling really awful.  Constantly dizzy and nauseous.

Early in the week he became very emotional.  He started recounting his life, thinking about all the things he would have done differently, and all the words he'll never have the opportunity to say.  He even cried uncontrollably for hours.

By the end of the week, he was miserable and frustrated,  Everything was irritating him.  And I have to admit, it got to me.  I couldn't take it anymore, and we started arguing over the smallest things.  It was rediculous.  Luckily, we realized that the stress had gotten the best of us.  We talked it out, and this week is off to a much better start.

1 comment:

pixie said...

I can relate to you my husband has just finished his treatment...He has completed 48 weeks second time round for him...yes its a roller coaster I can tell you..

If you would like to keep intouch this is my email.
