Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Peaks & Valleys of the Hep C Treatments

Déjà vu! As many of you know, this is the second time Steve had responded to the treatment for Hep C. The first time was combo therapy- Pegasys and Copegus. At the six month mark, his viral load was 20. So the doctor said that the virus was considered to be cleared. However, by the end of the 48 weeks, it was back. Steve’s also tried another form of treatment. He was on Infergen for 2 weeks, and I thought it was going to kill him. So did Steve, therefore the doctor took him off of it. So, when the triple therapy (Pegasys, Ribavirin & Alinia) was able to completely clear the virus (undetectable), it was a true miracle to me. Once I saw it was back, I just couldn’t believe it. Why…why does it keep coming back?

The only way I can describe the peaks and valleys of the experiences is to compare them to being knocked down by a wave. You are in the water. The sun is shining down upon you. You are feeling great. It’s a beautiful day. Unsuspectingly, you turn around. There is a huge wave coming right at you. Before you know it, you are under water trying to stand up. You can’t. You can feel the sand pulling from beneath your feet. You wonder if you are going to make it. Will you be able to maintain your breath until you can get out from under the wave? You do. As quickly as the wave came, it disappeared. You are back on your feet. You breathe a huge sigh of relief and thank God. Suddenly another wave comes and knocks you back down.

Initially, that’s the way it feels. But on that note, they say when you are knocked down by a wave you shouldn’t try to fight it. You should remain calm. Conserve your energy and let it pass.

This too shall pass.

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